SOC Films has released the eighth animated short film from the series “AAGAHI” titled “Acid Crimes”.
AAGAHI is a public service campaign, which aims to educate women about their legal rights in Pakistan.
The eighth animated short film, “Acid Crimes” seeks to inform viewers on the various forms of what constitutes an acid crime, specifically with the intent of harming another human being. The video discusses punishments for convicted offenders, illegal usage and sale of acid and other corrosive chemicals which are punishable by the Pakistani legal system, including a sentence of 14 years jail, life imprisonment, a 1 Million Rupee fine or all of the above. It also advises on safety measures that can be taken subsequently if involved in an incident. The film ends by providing viewers with contact information for various helplines, women’s shelters, counseling services, and legal support services available to acid attack survivors.
The film can be viewed here: