Curabitur a velum purus. Nam vel risus a elit malesuada dictum. Quisque rutrum neque nec tortor mollis ut vulputate lectus rutrum. Suspendisse non quam enim. Nam elit orci, vestibulum et mattis ullamcorper, venenatis a urna. Donec vel ullamcorper dui.

[map width=”605″ height=”300″ lat=”51.508823″ long=”-0.127802″ zoom=”16″]

[pp_pre close=”0″]
[map width=”605″ height=”300″ lat=”51.508823″ long=”-0.127802″ zoom=”16″]


Maps Type Terrain

[map type=”MapTypeId.ROADMAP” width=”605″ height=”300″ lat=”51.508823″ long=”-0.127802″ zoom=”16″]

[pp_pre close=”0″]
[map type=”MapTypeId.ROADMAP” width=”605″ height=”300″ lat=”51.508823″ long=”-0.127802″ zoom=”16″]


Maps with marker and info window

[map type=”MapTypeId.SATELLITE” width=”605″ height=”300″ lat=”51.508823″ long=”-0.127802″ zoom=”18″ popup=”Bangkok, Thailand”]

[pp_pre close=”0″]
[map type=”MapTypeId.SATELLITE” width=”605″ height=”300″ lat=”51.508823″ long=”-0.127802″ zoom=”18″ popup=”Bangkok, Thailand”]


Maps with address

[map type=”MapTypeId.ROADMAP” width=”605″ height=”300″ address=”London” zoom=”15″ popup=”London, England”]

[pp_pre close=”0″]
[map type=”MapTypeId.ROADMAP” width=”605″ height=”300″ address=”London” zoom=”15″ popup=”London, England”]

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