British Pakistani Transgender Performer Asifa Lahore releases her highly anticipated new single and music video ‘Sharara’.  ‘Sharara’, a cover of the famous 1990’s Bollywood track which became a cult classic anthem, marks a significant milestone in Asifa’s  career. This release blends her rich cultural heritage with her dynamic persona and unique sound, promising to captivate audiences with its sultry vocals, catchy beats, and vibrant visuals.

The music video for the song was shot in Karachi, Pakistan to highlight the importance of greater representation and inclusivity within the South Asian creative industries. The decision to shoot there was intentional. Asifa aims to break down stereotypes associated with Pakistan and demonstrate that transgender individuals exist in the country and are thriving. By collaborating with Pakistani media, Asifa hopes to foster greater acceptance and understanding.

2024 proves to be another groundbreaking year in Asifa’s career. She has been featured in Vogue India and has co-produced the upcoming British transgender themed film ‘Unicorns’, starring Ben Hardy and Jason Patel.

“I’m thrilled to share this new chapter of my journey with the world,” says Asifa. “This music video are deeply personal and represent the fusion of my identity, culture, and artistry. I hope it resonates with people and encourages them to embrace their true selves”.

Video has been produced by GrayScale: producer/director Omema Nasir. ‘Sharara’ is available on all major streaming platforms.