Dr. Asma Afzal Shami, Chairperson Ladies Golf in Pakistan, has recently taken the initiative to reach out to her counterparts in several regional countries in an endeavour to form an “International Golfing Ladies’ Caucus.” Already, this organization has attracted the heads of Ladies’ Golf in Bangladesh, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Australia, Qatar and Vietnam, all of whom have welcomed this Pakistani initiative and readily joined this Caucus. Dr. Shami is now focusing her energies on adding Turkey, Egypt, China, New Zealand, Austria and Lebanon to this impressive list.
This is basically an information sharing group that makes its members aware of upcoming golfing events in their respective countries and also shares ideas on how to further the development of Ladies Golf per se. Before this caucus was formed, Ladies in Pakistan had very little information about what was happening in the Ladies Golf Circuit at the international level. Now they get weekly updates from their counterparts in the member countries. It is worth mentioning here that international participation in the upcoming Ladies Match in Thailand has increased because of the mutual efforts of some members of this caucus. In fact this could become one of the main functions of the caucus, i.e. increasing the participation by international lady golfers in each other’s golf championships through reciprocity.
In collaboration with other prominent lady golfers of Pakistan, Dr. Shami is now considering taking this laudable initiative a step further by seeking PGF’s blessing for inviting members of this caucus, all of whom head Ladies golf in their respective countries, to a “Golfing Conference cum Golfing Holiday” in Pakistan. She is hopeful that financial sponsorship would be forthcoming for this mega event as it would provide a major boost to the status of Ladies’ Golf in Pakistan at the international level.
“So yes, we see a very bright and progressive future for Ladies Golf in Pakistan,” signs off Dr. Asma Shami.